It's Time for Change!
Your Hub for Information and the Roadmap to Reorganize the American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association
Your Hub for Information and the Roadmap to Reorganize the American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association
Be sure your ASHBA Membership is current for 2025. Click this link to join today:
at the Membership Meeting on
Thursday, February 13th
at 2:00pm
Lexington Marriott City Center
Download this Blank Proxy Statement, fill it out and send it to an ASHBA Member in Good Standing who will be attending the meeting in person.
Follow the link below to complete an Electronic Proxy Statement naming either Scott Hagan or Anna Marie Knipp as your Proxy.
Announcing the 100 Day Roadmap set up by Equestrian Leaders who are prepared to accept a nomination as a member appointed Board of Director for the American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association.
Share this 4 page PDF to inform members and Vote YES to the Proposed Bylaws.
ASHBA Bylaw Proposal Fast Facts (pdf)
DownloadPlease reach us at info@asbnewdirection.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
YES! The primary goal of the bylaws change is to return a voice to the membership as well as returning rights of members to vote for the Board of Directors, and requires membership vote to amend the bylaws.
The bylaws also preserve the Nominating Committee and the right of any member to nominate any other member for consideration as a candidate for the Board of Directors.
The proposed by laws preserve essential committees and allows the Chair of the Board to establish any committees deemed necessary, as well as requiring that the Chair establish a committee if a majority of the Board directs creation of a committee.
The proposed bylaws also require the following committees be REINSTATED to ensure proper governance and internal controls.
YES! The proposed bylaws ensure that there will be representation for Amateurs as well as Professionals on the Board, and ensures that a majority of the Board will be composed of Breeders. This is extremely important to the operation of a breed registry organization.
No. The proposed bylaws state “These bylaws may be amended only by two-thirds (2/3) vote of eligible members voting upon any proposed amendment.” In other words, if there are 3500 members, and 500 members vote, it would take 334 favorable votes to amend the bylaws, not 2/3 of the entire membership.
The current bylaws allow the Board of Directors to amend the bylaws with NO vote of the membership.
Correspondence in chronological order.